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Spring Beard Bash

Date Coming Soon!!!
Camp Loucon
Open to Youth under the age of 16 as of January 1

Our Spring Beard Bash is the event that brought us together. This event is held every spring in conjunction with the state wide youth turkey season. On the Friday night before youth turkey

season we begin to check kids into our site at Camp Loucon here in Grayson County. That evening we

pair kids with guides that are both local and from other states, spend time on hunter and gun safety, as

well as do events to develop relationships between our kids including calling contest, scavenger hunts,

etc. Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon our participants are fully engaged hunting and learning

things about the outdoors. Historically this event came with a $50 entry fee that covered lodging and

meals. At this price we were still “ losing” money but it did help us carry a balance forward for future

events. However, the core group of TKO felt like this was hindering that involvement of underprivileged

youth and as per all of our events going forward we hope to make this event free and increase local

youth involvement!!

Free Fishing Day

Details Coming Soon!!!

In June we host a community wide Free Fishing event in conjunction with the State Wide Free Fishing day. We hold this event at the City Lake in Grayson County and provide fishing equipment, bait, and provide a free grilled lunch with refreshments. This a great local event to encourage people to not only be outdoors but to be involved with what our community has to offer!!

Summer Conservation Camp

Details coming soon!!!!
Camp Loucon

This is our largest event, and the event that has driven us to provide a FREE service to our community going forward. This event is held at the end of July / first of August every year and features a two night stay with all meals provided at Grayson Counties Camp Loucon. This year will mark our third year and we are at full camp capacity this year hosting over 75 kids. This event is awesome to say the least!! We have pulled together the most experienced people in our region including Ky Fish & Wildlife, Corp of Engineers, trapping professionals, archery professionals, bow fishing guides, local leaders in the outdoors, and outdoor  industry representatives to provide our youth participants the opportunity to learn all things outdoors and outdoor safety. In addition to receiving their Hunter Safety Orange Card which will be required of them going forward to legally hunt in Kentucky, these kids learn boater and water safety, gun safety, tree stand harness use, traditional archery, trapping techniques, plant and wildlife identification,  fishing, bow fishing, as well as networking and team work skills! 

This camp is limited to 100 people so be sure to register your child when forms become available!

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